Because hydrated skin cells give the best results:

  • Two Weeks Before – Drink a gallon of water everyday, 1,000 Mg of Vitamin C twice/day, Limit caffeine and alcohol, and apply SPF 50

Between treatments:

  • Drink a gallon of water/day, 1000 MG of Vitamin C twice/day and SPF


  • Producing more heat by exercise, hot showers, etc. increases the effectiveness. Continue drinking water and taking Vitamin C and applying SPF 50. Lifestyle greatly affects maintaining the results.


  • Pacemakers, electrical heart valves, metal implants or artificial metal joints, pain pumps, pregnancy, rosacea.
  • Wait 2 Weeks after Botox/fillers, 1 week after Peels.
  • Doctor’s Note may be required.
  • Avoid any type of sun exposure either by lying out in the sun, using artificial tanning with tanning beds or self-tanners, etc.